
Pistol 2, also known as the Jonathan Davis Shootout, is the second course in our three course modern pistol shooting series.

Pistol 2 is a one day course that reviews and picks up where Pistol 1 leaves off. This course builds on the foundational defensive pistol skills developed in Pistol 1 by focusing on engaging multiple targets, shooting while moving, using cover and concealment, shooting behind barricades, and more.

The focus for this course is on intermediate gunfighting skills such as shooting while moving, alternate firing positions, getting off the X, tactical reloads, multiple target engagements, and strategies for engaging multiple threats. Additionally, this course covers react to ambush from a pistolfighting perspective. Each skill is built up slowly and safely before moving onto the next. These skills are then used in concert with each other in a practical exercise as the shooter has an opportunity to see how they complement each other.

As part of our continued effort to pass on the American martial tradition of gunfighting this course is themed around Jonathan Davis and his famous shootout with the Sydney Ducks. Jonathan Davis was a South Carolina gentleman who had served in the US Army during the Mexican-American war eventually being awarded the rank of Captain. After his time as a soldier he decided to try his hand out West and found himself prospecting for gold in California. In 1854, while prospecting in the Sierra Nevada mountains outside Sacramento, Captain Davis and two other men in his party were ambushed by a murderous group of bandits known as the Sydney Ducks. Of the two other men with Captain Davis, one was killed instantly and the other was immediately fatally wounded.

Captain Davis, finding himself outnumbered 14 to 1, immediately drew his two pistols, turned into the fight and in short order had shot and killed seven of the bandits. Davis then pulled out his Bowie Knife and, having been an accomplished swordsmen, killed another four of the gang with his knife. The remaining bandits turned and fled. Nearby miners witnessed the fight and an account made it’s way to the papers, who told the story of one man who killed eleven outlaws singlehandedly.

This course culminates in a timed shooting exercise. In this exercise the student reacts to an ambush, and then employs the various techniques learned in the course to engage eleven attackers similar to Captain Davis’ famous exploit.

Who can attend?

All U.S. citizens 18 years of age or above that are legally allowed to own or possess a firearm.

Required Equipment:


2-3 magazines

Eye protection

Ear protection

Sturdy holster

Required Ammunition:

Minimum 400 rounds

Additional Info:

This course typically runs from 9AM-3PM unless otherwise stated. There is no lunch break so bring your own drinks and snacks.

Please wear clothing suitable to the weather.

Email with any questions.