
Pistol 1, also known as the Wild Bill Quick Draw Course, is the first course in our three course modern pistol shooting series.

Pistol 1 is a one day course focusing on the foundational skills needed in defensive pistol shooting. Students will improve their proficiency in firearms handling, drawing from the holster, fundamentals of marskmanship, loading, unloading, and reloading, and clearing common stoppages.

Particular focus is placed on safety, knowing your speed out of the holster, as well as your accuracy at different distances. Student’s will have the opportunity to test their shooting ability at distances from 1.5 yards up to 100 yards provided they are accurate enough to shoot safely at that distance (note some classes are limited to 25 or 50 yards max distance due to range limitations). Student’s will also have the opportunity to work with a shot timer to know and improve their draw time out of the holster.

In an effort to teach our students the martial tradition of American gunfighting this course is themed around Wild Bill Hickok. Wild Bill famously shot and killed Davis Tutt from 75 yards in one of the most famous quick draw fights from the Old West. Tutt shot first and missed, while Wild Bill shot second striking Tutt in the heart and killing him with just one shot. Tutt called out “Boy’s I’m killed” then collapsed.

At it’s core this course focuses on the fundamentals of getting your shot groups small, and working through the mechanics of drawing your pistol from the holster. This course is specifically designed to push you past the 25 yard mental limit many shooters have instilled in them. Focusing on being accurate at longer ranges also tends to make you a more accurate and effective shooter at shorter ranges.

This course culminates in a steel quick draw competition.

Who can attend?

All U.S. citizens 18 years of age or above that are legally allowed to own or possess a firearm.

Required Equipment:


2-3 magazines

Eye protection

Ear protection

Sturdy holster

Required Ammunition:

Minimum 400 rounds

Additional Info:

This course typically runs from 9AM-3PM unless otherwise stated. There is no lunch break so bring your own drinks and snacks.

Please wear clothing suitable to the weather.

While we try and book 100 yard ranges for this course, often times we run this course on 50 or 25 yard max distance ranges. For those courses we simulate 100 yard pistol shots at our max distance (i.e. 100 yards simulated from 25 yards). Max range distance is listed in the course details for each course.

Email with any questions.